About Dawn Lianna Coaching

We work with top progressive companies who want to invest in their managers and employees with premier coaching services.

We are a solution-focused company offering half-hour coaching sessions with follow up homework that result in:

Improved performance in work and personal situations

Enhanced self-esteem

Greater productivity

Setting and achieving personal goals

Taking small and manageable steps to reach your goal

Management Team

What we offer

We offer short term, high impact coaching for executives, managers and employees, which includes sessions with homework, confidentiality and post-work evaluation as a measurement of success. The client will set a manageable goal and together we will set up the action plan, clearing of past issues, adding new resources and accountability to the steps necessary to achieve the desired outcome.

Want to improve?

Call for a coaching session when you want to improve in any of the following areas.

Improved communication and rapport skills

“New extraordinary communication skills and guidance has given my life much more direction and focus, I feel like I have direction now that feels right.” G.B.

Personal or professional private situations that are affecting you or your work life.

“In this coaching you get right down to the source of a problem and receive help in alleviating it. Dawn is outstanding, supportive and encouraging.” B. S.

Goal setting and productivity

“I completely recommend Dawn. She is extremely capable of delivering anything that she says she can, because of her deep commitment to integrity and truth. Dawn is bright and sensitive to people. She has an ongoing commitment to her own continuing education, which I have witnessed over the 15 years I have known her.” R. H.

Things are already good and you want to be better.

“These skills tap the natural resources of each person. Using these strategies helps clients to strengthen positive qualities such as creativity, acceptance, courage, playfulness, strength, tranquility, and trust. I am interested in guiding people toward discovering and strengthening such attributes in themselves and am very grateful for what I have learned.” P. C., PhD

Self-esteem and confidence

 “As a coach, Dawn is sensitive to the feelings and needs of her clients. She is able to zoom right in on any situation. She is clear and concise, and intelligently answers any questions. She effects positive change in her clients.” S. H., MFCC.

Better interpersonal relationships

“Dawn Lianna is a wonderfully clear coach. She combines counseling skills and knowledge to empower you. The techniques shared significantly foster insights and greater awareness and progress. My sessions overflow with valuable, life enhancing change that comes in a relaxed way.” J. L., ND

Whats the process?

Follow these steps to get started.

If you are energetically sensitive and you are looking for a practitioner who will understand your uniqueness and sensitivity, give Dawn a call.

1. Fill out the Intake form

2. Initiate a complimentary call with a coach to see if it’s a good match.

3. Help choosing what you want to work on.

4. Set a targeted, manageable coaching goal.

5. Session work that is designed to be 100% supportive and to help you move forward.

6. We help you commit, gather the tools and resources you need and be accountable to yourself.

7. We provide clarity, support and tools to help you take the necessary action steps during and between sessions. Mind, body and soulful exercises are designed to help you move forward. A small agreed upon homework assignment follows each session.

8. Your coach is available by email in between sessions for support.

Get started today

Your Coach: Dawn Lianna MA
Dawn Lianna M.A., NLP has a Masters Degree in counseling and psychology from Ryokan College in LA. She is a master level NLP practitioner, coach and trainer and a professional hypnotherapist. She has been coaching and counseling since 1984. Dawn’s approach is clear and warm hearted. She supports you in moving forward around challenging situations and issues. You will experience positive tools and training for transformation.

Book Your Coaching Session Online

If you are an employee of a company that has already employed Dawn Lianna’s services, you can book your appointment now through our convenient booking process by clicking on the button below.
